Chocolate Museum
We were a part of the landscape design team for the chocolate competence centre, more colloquially known as “The Lindt Chocolate Museum” in Kilchberg.
Lindt & Sprüngli Group
Visualizations: Lindt & Sprüngli Group
Landscape Architecture in collaboration with Enea GmbH
Architecture by Christ & Gantenbein, Basel
Surface: m2
Kilchberg, Switzerland

Evergreen European yew waves framing the cherry trees creating a beautiful photo point for the visitors if the chocolate museum.

Beautiful, architect-designed renovations completed reliably from start to finish
Experience of over 10 years of successful projects on creating unique and modern interior designs all over the world.
Praesent elementum
Nam gravida egestas
Aufgrund ihrer exakten und effizienten Planung sowie ihrer hohen Verantwortungsbereitschaft gelang es Ankita Thaker (Purple Peepal GmbH) stets, qualitativ wie auch quantitativ einwandfreie Arbeitsergebnisse zu erzielen. Mit den Leistungen von Ankita Thaker waren wir sehr zufrieden.”
Due to her precise and efficient design planning as well as her high level of responsibility, Ankita Thaker (Purple Peepal GmbH) always succeeded in achieving flawless work results in terms of both quality and quantity. We were very satisfied with Ankita Thaker’s performance.”
Enea GmbH, Rapperswil, Switzerland
Creating places that enhance the human experience with unique products

Beautiful, minimal designs.

Chocolate museum cafe extending out onto the plaza surrounded by beautiful multi-stem birch trees and green ground cover.
Planting mature trees to experience a fully-grown garden.
Design integrating the outside space with the beautiful architecture.